Friday, April 11, 2008

Obstructed Views - Episode #6

Brian and Ted are joined by Jeff Cooper and Bob Landow to talk NHL and NBA playoffs (believe it!), the first week of the baseball season and the ongoing saga that is Danica Patrick.


At 11:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Brian,

You should email me. I am trying to get the word out that Versus TV, home of the NHL, is relocating to Philadelphia and they have a ton of open jobs.

I've got some cool premiums to give out, for people who are willing to help us, and you'd be doing your readers a good service by letting them know there are jobs available in Philly at a cool major television network.


At 4:16 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

On this whole Danica issue...besides the fact that she's the Anna K. of racing (a marketing dream regardless of result) how bout the fact that she's 50 lbs. lighter than any of her competitors in a 1550 lb. car? Nobody ever talks about that fact.

Also, way to go Dils in tracing the whole free throw argument back to Puke...err...Duke. Classic homer move there.


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