Tuesday, October 31, 2006

A Couple Political Campaign 'No-Brainers'

I have been bombarded in ridiculous quantities by political messages. When I get home and check my voice mails, there are always a few recorded messages for this candidate or that. When I am relaxing, it seems that about half of the commercials on television are messages for someone’s candidacy or, more likely, against someone’s. My mail is littered with pieces highlighting why I should vote for or against a particular candidate.

I have two political suggestions. These suggestions are not directed at Republicans; they are not aimed at Democrats. But if you are running for office and you want to win an election, take heed, this could make a difference for you.

First of all, billions (yes with a b) are being spent on advertising political candidates seeking office, and this is not even a Presidential election year. At the same time, we as a country continue to rack up deficits and debt levels that will cripple our children for generations. As a political candidate, you could generate infinite p.r. if you announced at the beginning of your candidacy that 50% of all the money you raise for your campaign would be donated to the National debt. The unpaid media you would generate would a) offset the money you are not spending on ads, and b) be more effective because it was coming from a third party. In addition, you would be putting your money where your mouth is and using the office you are seeking to make positive changes for the country. Finally, you would be viewed as a pioneer. This is a no brainer. Why has nobody thought of it yet?

Second, if I were running for political office, my first rule would be that I, nor anyone affiliated with my campaign, would use negative campaigning to talk about how bad my opponent is. This tactic gets attention every election cycle and people say they will avoid it, but I am in the district of the congressional race with the highest spending in the entire county (Pennsylvania 6th district, Lois Murphy (D) challenging incumbent Jim Gerlach (R)). I see ads and get phone calls for both of these candidates every single day. And every ad I see or phone call I receive discusses why their opponent stinks so badly. Why can’t they focus on what makes them appealing as a candidate and what they will try to accomplish in the role they are seeking? If either is reading this, and wants to call me and tell me how they plan on doing a great job as Congressperson, my vote is still up for grabs. Lois and Jim, you can email me through this blog and I will be happy to provide you with my phone number so we can talk!

According to an article on usatoday.com this morning, about 90% of the advertising dollars this season have been spent on mudslinging instead of on positive campaign messages. In addition, campaign spending is up 15% over 2004 races. I for one am very happy that this election season is coming to a close. I am sure the only people that are disappointed are the television station owners and stockholders who are surely benefiting from this ridiculous bashing that is at record levels. I am available for political consultation if any of the 2008 candidates for President wants to hire me for my ideas that could turn a dark horse into a winning candidate. Are you reading this, Evan Bayh? Do you hear me, Chuck Hagel? Drop me a note…I can help you make history, and with high approval ratings.


At 12:59 PM, Blogger Stitz said...

the most ridiculous ads are the ones that I am bombarded with on the 2 big Props on the CA ballot - 86 & 87. To globally summarize, 86 is an additional tax on tobacco products, 87 is an additional tax on oil products. It is hilarious that the Teachers Union is against 86 - "we do not want millions of dollars to be spent improperly on projects that these funds are nott earmarked for." But they are for 87 - I guess they know that funds from this tax will used properly. A good rule of thumb is this: vote the opposite of what Labor Unions want and return our country to the truest form of capitlaism - throw the Socialist/Communists/Bolsheviks out - their Labor unions served their purposes 80 years ago and have been useless since (with the exception of the Mob making sure pension loans built Vegas).

And I agree with Dils - tell us what YOU are going to do to fix the problems (perceived or real), do not tell us how pathetic your opponent is, do not for heaven;s sake say "I have a plan" and then not tell us what the plan is!

At 2:25 PM, Blogger James Mills said...

Unfortunately, properly targeted negative advertising works and the consuming public (voters), generally tune out the political wonking about what the candidates are going to do once elected to office.

At 3:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dils, you are nothing but baggage to a potential candidate. This blog would serve as ideal fodder to torpedo any campaign with which you are affiliated.

At 12:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lois Murphy is hot.


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