Friday, February 09, 2007

20th Century Clips

I found this clip on youtube. It shows clips of all the great sports moments of the last century. My favorite was Bo Kimble shooting the free throw left handed. Enjoy:


At 4:38 PM, Blogger Stitz said...

K-mart: what about when black hit 6 straight times in 1997

USA hockey is by far the tops - nothing will ever come close as we sold out and now let pros play. Our AMATEURS beat the best professional team in the world!

stupidest clip: compulsive gambler's stupid shot to beat Cavs in a first round series in a year that they did not win title - in other words, WHO CARES!!!

At 4:39 PM, Blogger Stitz said...


At 7:09 PM, Blogger Staff said...

Great images.

Bay Area World Series
Ricky Henderson
and "The Play" were great to see.

Ali, USA Hockey, and Jimmy V were moments that still very vivid in my memory.
Good to see they found a spot for Texas Western



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